Quantum Resources and Information Laboratory (QR+I LAB) Lab Leader: Prof. Alexander Streltsov

The main research area explored within the QR+I Lab are the general quantum resource theories and their applications for quantum technology.

Quantum resource theories provide a strong mathematical framework for studying general quantum phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and coherence. Quantum thermodynamics can also be formulated as a resource theory. Quantum entanglement and coherence play an important role in quantum technology, most importantly in quantum communication and computation. Our team studies the role of general quantum resources for quantum technologies, investigating already existing protocols for quantum communication and computation. Since entanglement is a very fragile feature and quickly disappears in the presence of noise, we also aim to develop new quantum protocols which do not require entanglement, but are based on other types of quantum resources, such as quantum coherence.

Lab Leader

Prof. Alexander Streltsov

Team Members

Alexander Streltsov
Team leader
Marek Miller
Chandan Datta
Saronath Halder
Marco Fellous-Asiani
Kondra Tulja Varun
PhD student
Manfredi Scalici
PhD student
Moein Naseri
PhD student
Piotr Masajada